by Dr. Valentina Stoycheva | Jun 19, 2019 | Psychotherapy, The Unconscious Mind
~ This post was also published at Psychology Today as part of the series The Everyday Unconscious: How The Mind Works When We Are Not Looking Last week, in It’s Not You—It’s Your Unconscious: Why therapy takes so long to work, Part One, we started... by Dr. Valentina Stoycheva | Jun 12, 2019 | Psychotherapy, The Unconscious Mind
~ This post was also published at Psychology Today as part of the series The Everyday Unconscious: How The Mind Works When We Are Not Looking In a world where instant gratification is king, here is why you can’t (and shouldn’t) rush therapy. The Brain... by Dr. Valentina Stoycheva | May 19, 2019 | Psychotherapy, Trauma vs PTSD
Trauma-informed therapy may help you see a clearer and fuller picture of what you are dealing with. Not everyone knows about or seeks trauma-informed therapy. Often times, when we meet with new clients for the first time, they will not identify themselves as trauma... by Dr. Valentina Stoycheva | Mar 19, 2019 | Relationships, Romantic Relationships
Valentine’s day may be long gone, but we believe that attachments and healthy relationships are important all year long. Research has shown time and again that healthy romantic relationships can buffer the negative impact of life’s stressful events. Positive... by Dr. Valentina Stoycheva | Feb 22, 2019 | PTSD and Family
Living with Posttraumatic Stress (PTS) can be difficult not just for the individual but for the family and friend circle. Usually, we are forced to make adjustments in order to help with the recovery process, and it is up to loved ones and friends to work together and...